Improv Comedy Every Weekend

Family-friendly shows every weekend.

Uncensored shows on the 2nd & 4th Saturdays.

Come See A Show!Buy Some Merch!

Our Players

Alan Trammel

Alan Trammel

Allana Erickson-Lopez

Allana Erickson-Lopez

Andy Ober

Andy Ober

Chris Seidman

Chris Seidman

Cy Barlow

Cy Barlow

David Gunther

David Gunther

Dawn McMillan

Dawn McMillan

Jessica Spenny

Jessica Spenny

John Redding

John Redding

John Reimann

John Reimann

Jon Benda

Jon Benda

Kate Morter

Kate Morter

Matt Beaudry

Matt Beaudry

Melissa Mauzy

Melissa Mauzy

Mike Vietinghoff

Mike Vietinghoff

Monica Rhodes

Monica Rhodes

Rick Kyle

Rick Kyle

Rob Sparks

Rob Sparks

Rosanne Crago

Rosanne Crago

Ryan Saxer

Ryan Saxer

Scott Shaver

Scott Shaver

Susie Carey

Susie Carey

NBOJU Merch!

We’ve got a store full of fun stuff with the Not Burnt Out Just Unscrewed logo. Adorn yourself with awsome!

Our Shows

In the mood for something different? Tired of movies and shows you can’t take your kids to? Come on out and see an Improv Comedy show with Not Burnt Out Just Unscrewed!

Working without a script we create fast paced games and scenes based on audience participation and suggestion. Every show is different because we never know what you’ll throw at us! Bring the whole family out for an evening of laughter and fun, you’ll be glad you did!

Our People

Not Burnt Out Just Unscrewed members past and present have trained with professional groups such as The Actors Studio in Tucson, The Groundlings in L.A, The Jester’z in Scottsdale, and The Second City of Chicago. But the majority of us have no professional theatrical experience.

We come from a wide variety of fields such as casino workers, psychotherapists, interior designers, customer service representatives, hotel workers, college recruiters, students, administrative assistants, teachers, computer programmers, real estate agents, photographers, a physicist, and more.

We range in age from early twenties to late sixties. We are always looking to add new people to our troupe to continue to ensure that we have an interesting mix of dynamic life experiences.

Our History

Not Burnt Out Just Unscrewed was created in May 2002 as an outlet for actors, comedians, and performers in the Tucson area by Donnie Cianciotto. Donnie hoped to bring together a unique group of people from different backgrounds with different levels of experience to create a well rounded and eclectic performance troupe.

Emulating the improv greats, Not Burnt Out Just Unscrewed has grown from an experiment into a phenomenon, and we look forward to providing southern Arizona with many more years of entertainment!

Not Burnt Out Just Unscrewed has always taken pride in providing high quality comedic entertainment that is accessible to all ages.

Our Theater

Unscrewed Theater (4500 E. Speedway Blvd #39) is our new home.

Opening a theater allows us to consistently present our shows, offer classes, host other troupes, and provide a venue for all of Tucson to experience improvisational comedy in a variety of formats! Please join us for our upcoming shows and celebrate our future!

Get In Touch

Not Burnt Out Just Unscrewed is available for private or corporate events. Drop us a note if you’d like to know more.

For information on upcoming shows, visit the Unscrewed Theater website.

Contact Us

Past Directors

Mark White
Donnie Cianciotto

Former Players

Gail Adamitis
Brian Armstrong
Eddie Arriola
Jennifer Baker
Kelli Bednar
Mark Berry
Scotty Bouwens
Elvia Bow
Alicia Butler
Cris Candelario
Nicky Cianciotto
Mary Coffelt
Mara Concordia
Jillian Courtney
Matt De Vaney
Gedi Feliciano
Priscilla Fernandez
Moriah Flagler
Bill Fuller
Anastasia Gorbunova
Chuck Graff
Carla Green
Matrika Hay
Carolyn Hokin
Aidan Hutchins
Eric James
Andrew Jones
Kenton Jones
Christine Kierce
Yarrow King
Adam Lester
Sara Lohman
Sara Lowden
Hilary Lyons
Billie Maas
Kristen Macellaro
Dan Mandell
Randall McDonald
Vicki McGee
Angela Nicole
Sara Nixon-Kirschner
Django Paris
Erin Parks
Mandy Paulson
James Payne
Seth Pepper
Kataya Plett
Molly Proue
Cameron Rau
Ruth Rickman
Ian Roussopolis
Ute Rowland
Stacey Seaman
Traci Smith
Elizabeth Sullens
Walter Temple
Paul Theriault
Sara Thompson
Martie van der Voort
Whitney Weber
Jake Weimer
Jennifer Williams
Gretchen Wirges
Anna Yasin
Andrea Young